When you differ with one of your friends and you have a very bad effect on mood clearly negative that they make up, they clarify your disagreement and dating relationship pretty pure as it was before, but there are worse ... Do you know what is it?
Worst of all is that the close, your friends and feuds occur Saddam much between them, and find yourself stuck in the Middle, you cannot advocate for one over the other because you see on the right, without loose and remain on the fence may obtain you abuse from both girls, amid accusations of you lack of concern and fear of the truth! That is, at the moment a real tragedy!
How you act in such a situation? Let us tell you a few tips that you should follow in this respect:
First: stay away from bias to one side
It would be very hard to, but already the first thing you should do is not to join a friendly without the other side, because this will be the only chance for a reconciliation between them, and between friendly nature. Don't tell any of them with your point of view, and does not tell one of them never right with others even if you think so, everything will victim him is the loss of your relationship with this friend.
Second: don't you be or get involved in gossip about each other to please
If you are escort to one of friendly rivals, and found it started to weigh allegations of missing and gossiping about them poor, and slander where Glen, not matched by never talking to please her, but ask for the stop this talk and immediately change the subject or waghi with other friendly charms through statements such as: "truth be told I have has been a faithful and honest" or "despite all its flaws, you cannot fine times and costume unforgettable moments spent together." But if determined to offend third because otherwise your friend with it, like it and end the discussion and reasoning that you have to leave now because of urgent and compelling. And under no circumstances do you be or get involved in talking about the third friendly so bad can't find yourself suddenly had become a party to the problem.
Third: play the role of peacemaker
Do you see any attempts to repair relations among your friends, don't get depressed if you fail once, but repeat the attempt every opportunity relatively frequently so as not to go on a break between them, and end up with the death of a beautiful friendship that share, and end forever. Agree with each of them separately on a meeting between you and themselves at the same place and time, let alone meet and monitor it from afar so intrusive in time if things did not go well. Leave them the opportunity to talk to the respective point of view on the other directly without intermediaries, and who knows? Maybe after the admonition of each party to the other, and conciliated. ends.
IV: don't be importune it
Avoid pressing the parties to reconcile and be patient. Groupie as possible to reform them, and then leave it for days, if the problem is that their very deep and painful for both now, and if anger and revolution debars them from judging things slowly and quietly, the passage of time will end any controversy. If this happens, your honor you have attempted to combine them again, and now you just focus on your relationship with each of them separately, and keep your friendship each.
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