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Stop creep gray in your hair

It is known that white or gray hair is a sign of graying and aging, but unfortunately I find many women – and men – that gray also was encroachment in the 1920s and rashan, the phenomenon is too harsh for women and suffered severe frustration.

To learn how to stop this color in your hair, you must first find out the reasons for his appearance, which leads to loss of natural hair color.
Natural hair color is determined by cells called melanin cells that produce melanin which give hair its color, with age, these cells to secrete less melanin, so white or gray begins to emerge as a natural result of withdrawal of natural hair color, and gene and genetic factors play a major role in determining the age which stops the secretion of melanin, but there are some other factors and conditions that lead to premature graying, and which can be handled in different ways.
Causes of premature graying:
Medical reasons: there are some diseases that lead to the emergence of white hair at young age, skin diseases and diseases of the glands, affecting the secretion of melanin.
Medications: some drugs can slow the action of melanin cells, so the emergence of white hair.
Undernutrition: undernutrition, especially vitamins, to negatively influence the secretion of melanin.
The frequent use of tints: frequent hair dye to weaken it and pull out the natural color, especially if the dye of unreliable, and you then stop use immediately.
So if you notice a white hair on your head, you must determine the cause, remove first medical reasons or consult a physician specialist if you are uncertain about any disease or medication may be the reason you see this color in your head.
As for improper nutrition, often the main reason behind the emergence of white hair at an early age, then you'll deal with this and you will notice your natural hair color back again especially when eating foods that contain vitamins such as bananas, potatoes, lentils and minerals such as dark, leafy vegetables such as spinach, watercress, etc.
How 2 white encroachment in your hair?
Once your doctor determines that because of the emergence of white hair has no medical reasons and had nothing to do with glands and diseases, research on natural methods which return to your hair its natural color, which I was about to lose.
Usually help herb Chinese sponsor stick ((He Shou Wu and some vitamins and minerals to stimulate cells to produce melanin, which restores your hair natural color again, few of these natural vitamins and minerals containing acid amino benzoic acid bar Para Amino Benzoic Acid (PABA), and vitamin B complex.
Often used to combat acid amino benzoic acid in the treatment of many skin diseases such as Vitiligo, this acid keeps your scalp healthy and prevents the appearance of premature graying, as herb stick Chinese Shepherd was considered as one long natural materials stimulate cells to produce melanin, so in many hair care products, as well as the types of vitamin B, such as vitamin B-12 vitamin B-5 that play an important role in the production of melanin.
You can get these substances stimulate the production of melanin through supplements and drugs designed to halt the advance of white hair nutrition deficiency, in addition to shampoo and conditioner are available in markets and manufacturers to eliminate the white head.

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