A new study shows that teens are learning to fall in love when specific cells in their brains develop during puberty to courtship and finding a lover. The newspaper "daily mail" British researchers at the University of Michigan found that the brains of mammals evolution of new cells in the amygdala during adolescence, this region plays an essential role in the process of dealing with feelings.
The researcher said the study Maggie Hummer, that "these areas are important for social behaviour, especially the behaviour of mating, so we thought that the cells being added to those parts of the brain during puberty may be important in the reproductive function in adults", in order to test this idea, the researchers injected male rats with a chemical new cells appear during puberty.
It should be noted, that when mice, allowed researchers to interact and mating with females, the scientists monitored the brains of rats after convergence immediately, and found that the new cells have grown during puberty in the amygdala and other related areas.
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