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Watercress can save you from hair loss

Many women suffer from hair loss permanently, what makes them spend a lot of money to eliminate this annoying problem, although haircare may reduce hair loss, but they do not eliminate the problem, but the arugula with large benefits slimming hair loss permanently and effectively, and all will need him is a great Pack of watercress, plus one teaspoon of ground Rosemary.
1-wash the arugula Pack well then dry.
2-put 1 teaspoon Rosemary in a quarter Cup of boiling water, cover and chill for 2 hours.
3. chop the watercress well then mix with Rosemary and massacred again.
4. strain into glass tray by children wet wipes to get rid of all the fiber or the remaining impurities.
5. you can keep the tray during use in the fridge for a week, preferably a mixture in the plastic spray, dropper so you can easily use it delivers good scalp
6. use the mixture once or twice daily, preferably used in the middle of the day and once before sleep
7. After you put a little of the cream or oil on your hair so it's easy to hair breakage.
8. in addition to the treatment of hair loss which will observe him after the first week, you will notice that the length of your hair continues to grow, the reason for this is that the rocket and Rosemary in their interest known in the feed and lengthen hair.

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